A little late to the party because Regie has been busy and (much to Hat's irritation) took ages to get through the whole of season three, but our dynamic duo sat down in the old shop and had a bit of a natter about the third and final season of Jessica Jones.
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So, Regie went off on a bit of a rant about how they bring Trish to the heliport in a massive armoured vehicle, and then load her into a regular helicopter, which he identified as a "Squirrel" - one of these:
He's not so sure about that identification now...
During their discussion of the ending of JJ Regie mentions that DC is generally speaking not politically braver than Marvel, and he’s surprised that while DC has covered the issue of kids being kept in cages on the US border in the Lois Lane comic Marvel hasn’t tackled the issue.
Hat comments that “They did Snagglepuss”, and Regie agrees, and what they meant wasn’t clear at all. Hat’s “they did Snagglepuss” seems to suggest that Marvel did Snagglepuss. In fact DC published Snagglepuss, and she mentioned it as an example of DC being politically brave and progressive. If you missed it “Exit stage left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles” to give it it’s Sunday name) reimagines Snagglepuss as a gay playwright caught up in the McCarthy witch hunts of the 1950s. It did cause some kerfuffle at the time of publication, and you probably should read it, because it’s brilliant.
Regie also mentioned a narrated storyboard of an unfilmed scene from Doctor Who. That can be found here.
Hat mentioned that her wife Liz doesn’t like Marvel – with the exception of Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse. Which is a good job, because she was actually on the podcast where we talked about how great that movie is…
Hat talked Regie through the MCU phase four info graphic. This one:
Right, so, that's it for now. The Geeks at the Gates is a copyright feature of Venus Rising Media. All rights are reserved, but feel free to share with attribution, and if you're not selling it.
Music kindly provided by Steven G. Saunders.