Scheduling issues meant that you're all stuck with Regie rambling again. Everyone is really sorry about that.
So. He went on at length about how much he loved the recent series of Doctor Who. If you missed it you can check it out on the iPlayer.
Then he got to recommending podcasts.
First up was the daddy of all Doctor Who podcasts, the magnificent Radio Free Skaro.
Click on the image to go to their website or search "Radio Free Skaro" on your podcatcher of choice.
He then went on about the Doctor Who podcast "Verity".
Again, click the image to go to their page.
Then he recommended the podcast he euphemistically called "Behind the Bar Stewards", which is actually called "Behind the Bastards". Click the image to go to their page...
Then there was the recommendation of 13 Minutes to the Moon, again, click the image to get to the download page...
And that's it. The Geeks at the Gates is a copyright feature of Venus Rising Media featuring music by Steven G. Saunders. All rights acknowledged and reserved.