Geeking with Destination Venus Episode #134 "Comic coming Out" show notes.
It's the start of LGBTQ+ History Month, so Regie considered some of the characters who have "come out" and become identified as members of the LGBTQIA+ community in recent years.
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So. Regie talked about four characters in particular. You can read more about Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern HERE and HERE, Tim Drake HERE and HERE and Bobby Drake (no relation to Tim, they're from different universes...) HERE.
Then there was Wonder Woman. We hate to point you at Wikipedia again but their entry on her is pretty good, so you can read that HERE. You can also check out their articles on the character's creators William Moulton Marston, Elizabeth Holloway Marston and Olive Byrne.
Regie also mentioned the excellent Word Balloon podcast which can be found HERE and in particular his conversation with the Writer of the current Alan Scott series, Tim Sheriden, which you can listen to HERE.
Then he couldn't stop himself mentioning Dr Fredric Wertham and his book Seduction of the Innocent. Read more about that HERE.