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The Geeks at the Gates (and on the Radio) Episode 52: Corrupting Alice, the Doctor Who Sessions cont

As Alice continues her exploration of modern Doctor Who, and joins Hat and Regie over Skype to discuss what became known as "The Year of Specials" featuring the Tenth Doctor, as portrayed by David Tennent. Click the image below to go to the download page, or search "Geeks at the Gates" wherever fine pods are casted.

The Tenth Doctor with a bus in the desert

In the discussion of the special "Planet of the Dead" we all struggled with the name of the actor who played Barclay, and went on to star as Chris in the movie Get Out. He is in fact Daniel Kaluuya:

Daniel Kaluuya

As we discussed the departure of the Tenth Doctor, we went back over his relationship with Donna, and discussed some of the following clips, shared here partly to illustrate our discussion but mostly because they are brilliant:

On Buzzcocks:

On Comic Relief:

Doing Shakespeare on Stage (and yes, the whole play is here...)

We also discussed the Eleventh Doctor's T.A.R.D.I.S. interior, and nobody could remember what the "uppy downy thing" in the middle of the console was called. Pleased to let you know it's known either as "Time Rotor", the "Time Column" or the "Time Control Core", depending which source you use.

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